Nick Pushkarski
1 min readJan 26, 2022

This is the habit that I lost, I had to admit that. Reading things on the Internet doesn’t count, I’m talking about Reading with the big R, when you focus on a book or e-book to dive into fiction worlds for hours.

Thus, I decided to make reading in my life great again as I believe it would help me to became happier, smarter, sharper, and boost my language skills.

The key to success is to track time that I invest into reading. Each time I read, I run a toggl track app (that’s a neat tool, strongly recommend to everyone), so I can see not only each and every reading session, but got the week total. In this way, I’ll see both persistency and dynamic of that particular habit.

The first week my reading time was 2h 12m in total. The next week I did about 1h only. Anyway, that was a good start. The point here is that pretty soon I won’t need tracking time at all because reading will become a firm, stable habit.

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